Be Encouraged

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Happy Hump Day!! Coming at you with some encouragement: if you are in Christ, you’re a overcomer. Just as Christ has overcome, so shall we (if we believe).

As believers, we have a special helper. The Holy Spirit resides in us, so we ought to recognize the power we have at our fingertips. If you have received Christ as your saviour, the same miracle working, resurrection power that was in Jesus now flows thru You. How incredible is that!?

In order to access that power and have authority over the darkness, we must first know the truth. How do we know the truth? By reading and meditating on God’s word.

As you take time to read God’s word, it will begin to renew your mind. It will instill wisdom and train your spirit to recognize the lies and deception the enemy tries to plant in your thoughts or via attacks using outside sources (including people).

The mind is a battlefield, so we must keep it strong by feeding it truth. If you’re currently battling fear, worry, anxiety, depression, I encourage you to stop trying to take it on yourself. You’re not alone. God is with you. Do your part by spending time with Him in prayer and His word and watch what He will do as you rest in His promises. He will fight your battles. You have to let Him tho!

Nothing is impossible with God, so nothing is impossible for us! We are overcomers!

No matter what season you’re in, there is so much hope and SO much to be excited about! We are so SO blessed to know the one that is above it all.

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